Sheng-Feng Hsieh
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting National Taiwan University
Sheng-Feng Hsieh
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting National Taiwan University
Sheng-Feng Hsieh
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting National Taiwan University

Drunken Moon
Translation and Interpreting Forum
English Lecture Series
Our Line-up of Speakers for Academic Year 113-2

Sheng-Feng Hsieh
Jason Ming-Chieh Kuo
Assistant Professor Department of Accounting National Taiwan University
Associate Professor Department of Political Science National Taiwan University

Vincent Tsao
Kuan-Chou Ko
Sheng-Hao Lo
Advanced Open Water Instructor
Stand-up Comedian
Former Human Resources Specialist, McKinsey & Co.
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
National Taiwan University
Assistant Professor
Harris School of Public Policy University of Chicago
Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan University
Center for Bilingual Education, National Taiwan University

About The Forum
Organized by the Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation (GPTI), the "Drunken Moon Translation & Interpreting Forum" aims to provide a space for stakeholders to discuss topics and issues related to translation and interpretation.
Supported by the University’s Center for Bilingual Education, the English Lecture Series of the Forum invites speakers from various disciplines and industries to introduce the latest trends and hottest topics in their respective fields to non-specialists.
The English Lecture Series also provides a safe learning space for the Program's student interpreters to hone their skills and apply what they have learnt.
We welcome all students, staff, and faculty of the University to join us and take part in these talks.
Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan University
Center for Bilingual Education, National Taiwan University

Mark Your Calendars
Registration is open only to students, staff, and faculty of National Taiwan University.
All sessions are held at the Graduate Program of Translation and Interpretation (3F, Lesyue Building).
Robotic Process Automation
Sheng-Feng Hsieh
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting
National Taiwan University

Backlash to Weaponized Non-Tariff Trade
Barriers for Electoral Intervention in Taiwan
Jason Ming-Chieh Kuo
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
National Taiwan University

Couldn't Care Less
Vincent Tsao
Advanced Open Water Instructor
Stand-up Comedian
Former Human Resources Specialist, McKinsey & Co.

Numbers or Narratives? How Self-Tracking
and Personal Stories Shape Reactions to
Fitness Posts
Kuan-Chou Ko
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
National Taiwan University


Beyond Correlation:
Incentives, Causality, and Policy Evaluation
Sheng-Hao Lo
Assistant Professor
Harris School of Public Policy
University of Chicago
Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan University
Center for Bilingual Education, National Taiwan University

Contact Us
3F, Lesyue Building
Main Campus, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
🏠 https://www.gpti.ntu.edu.tw/
📞 886-02-3366-1582~1583
✉️ ntutiprogram@ntu.edu.tw